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Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 5, 2018


Drinking coffee may help prevent liver cancer, study suggests

People who drink more coffee – even decaffeinated are less likely to develop liver cancer, an analysis of data from 26 studies has found.

For those who drank two cups of coffee a day, the risk of hepatocellular cancer was reduced by 35% compared to those who drank no coffee.
For those who drank two cups of coffee a day, the risk of hepatocellular cancer was reduced by 35% compared to those who drank no coffee. Photograph: Erik de Castro/Reuters
Increasing coffee consumption may help to stave off liver cancer, a new study has suggested.
Researchers have found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to develop hepatocellular cancer (HCC), the most common form of primary liver cancer – and the effect was even found in decaffeinated coffee.
Experts from the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh examined data from 26 studies involving more than 2.25 million participants.

Compared with people who drank no coffee, those who drank one cup a day had a 20% lower risk of developing HCC, according to the study, published in the journal BMJ Open.
Those who consumed two cups a day had a 35% reduced risk and for those who drank five cups, the risk was halved. They found the protective effect for decaf was “smaller and less certain than for caffeinated coffee”.
The authors wrote: “It may be important for developing coffee as a lifestyle intervention in chronic liver disease, as decaffeinated coffee might be more acceptable to those who do not drink coffee or who limit their coffee consumption because of caffeine-related symptoms.”
Lead author Dr Oliver Kennedy, of the University of Southampton, said: “Coffee is widely believed to possess a range of health benefits, and these latest findings suggest it could have a significant effect on liver cancer risk.
“We’re not suggesting that everyone should start drinking five cups of coffee a day though. There needs to be more investigation into the potential harms of high coffee-caffeine intake, and there is evidence it should be avoided in certain groups such as pregnant women.
“Nevertheless, our findings are an important development given the increasing evidence of HCC globally and its poor prognosis.”
Professor Peter Hayes, of the University of Edinburgh, added: “We have shown that coffee reduces cirrhosis and also liver cancer in a dose-dependent manner.
“Coffee has also been reported to reduce the risk of death from many other causes. Our research adds to the evidence that, in moderation, coffee can be a wonderful natural medicine.”
Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in 2015, 4,673 new cases of liver cancer were diagnosed in England.
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/may/25/drinking-coffee-may-help-prevent-liver-cancer-study-suggests

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 5, 2018


How to choose the right street food when visiting Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam, offers a wonderful array of delicious food for visitors. When at this place, everywhere you look you will find people preparing food at any time of the day. Down alleyways, on the streets and in any “hole in the wall”, something related to food is occurring at any time. As you walk through the streets HCMC be sure to smell all kinds of wondrous smells. As you read through this, you will discover how to get the right food you want to take when in this awesome place.
Street stall in HCMC, Vietnam
Street stall in HCMC, Vietnam
Many people shy from trying street food when overseas and this also goes for tourist visiting Saigon. I’ve seen people shy from fresh vegetables, ice or basically anything that has not been thoroughly cooked. While these can be sensible precautions in many circumstances, overdoing the “paranoia” side of eating street food will make you miss some great experiences. People ask themselves questions like “how do I know if it is safe? What if I get stomach upsets? Is it hygienic”? Two things will make you find answers to your questions. One is that you should eat where you see locals are eating from and two is that you should look for the food that you see is being cooked so that you can trust the source.
Regarding the first tip is that locals eat where they know food is of a good quality and has no risk in it. If you get to a place where many locals have gathered to eat then know that you are at the right place. This is because if food was of low quality the locals would be avoiding it.
For the second tip, know that most of the street hole and carts in the wall restaurants in HCMC have cooking and raw ingredients in a view that is usually clear. If something very fresh is being cooked in your presence or in front of your eyes, you can be keen on how it is being cooked. Contrast this to a hotel or restaurant where food is being cooked when you can’t see.
Street food Saigon
Street food in Saigon
Some of the great food that you will get in the streets of HCMC are; banh mi, rice paper rolls, noodles and Pho among others. Banh mi is one of the foods associated with HCMC and is a very delicious snack and shows that fusion food can be the best when cooked in the right manner. Banh mi is a Vietnamese word that means all kinds of bread. This food, when cooked with pate and thit (meat) is the best. The thit is some kind of roasted or steamed pork belly, Vietnamese sausage, grilled chicken or other meat that is often related to pork. Usual condiments include paté, sliced cucumber, pickled carrots, coriander and shredded daikon. Stalls selling this banh mi can are found all over HCMC. Have a look at the ingredients that are being used and if it impresses you then go for it.
Rice paper rolls are also common in HCMC. The rolls are prepared when fresh in front of you with seafood and pork as it pleases you. This is a simple a delicious meal that you can have with no worries at all.
Street carts selling food is common in HCMC and both men and women do this. At times they are selling one kind of fruit or different kinds and at times they can also be selling the above mentioned foods. Do not hurry and purchase the food, watch how the locals get it from a particular cart. If many people take the food from the cart then buy from them.
One last resort if you need a little help, there now are guided tours that are exclusively focused on getting you to experience authentic street food by taking you to stalls and restaurants around the city. This will be a less authentic experience from a personal point of view but the food will be the real deal. Have a look at available tour companies operating in Saigon HCMC and see the reviews about them carried out by independent writers before you choose one.
Street food vendor in Vietnam
Street food vendor in Vietnam

Read more: http://go-vietnam.com/places-things-vietnam/choose-street-food-visiting-saigon-2/#ixzz2ztGgGjXI

Source: http://go-vietnam.com/places-things-vietnam/choose-street-food-visiting-saigon-2/


A wonderful Cruise to Mekong Delta!

Last Thursday, I had a wonderful one-day cruise to Mekong Delta with my family. We had chance to learn many interesting things about the life and friendly people who are living here.
Most of people living in Mekong Delta use boats as a main vehicle to transport from one place to the other places, boats can be used for putting fruits and boats are also used as a house to live. That is the reason why all visitors who once have visited this place can have chance to have a boat-journey. Last Thursday, we also went by boat. Here are some pictures of boats we met on our cruise:
People using a boat to transport fruits to floating markets:

Cruise Mekong Dealta

Cruise Mekong Dealta
As you can see, houses here are specially designed so that they can stand still in river:
Cruise Mekong Delta
One petrol station in Mekong Delta:
Cruise Mekong Dealta

Cruise Mekong Delta
The boat is decorated with two eyes with the hope that it will not get any accident during its journeys:
Cruise Mekong Delta
This boat is used as a house. Boats also have registered number as other vehicles in Vietnam.
Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta
This is a house that I visited, a very nice and relaxing place to have a meal when you are in the heart of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam:
Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Banana tree and its flower in Mekong Delta:

Cruise Mekong Delta
People fishing in the Mekong Delta:
Cruise Mekong Delta
On our cruise, we visited a traditional pottery factory in Mekong Delta:
Cruise Mekong Dealta

Cruise Mekong Delta
Cruise Mekong Delta
These are the pottery finishing:
Cruise Mekong Delta
Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta
 Watch out! That is one of the ovens and it is hot, notice the rice husks used to keep the fire alive.
Cruise Mekong Delta
 This the roof or chimney of one of the ovens, very mystical to see the light pour down the opening.
Cruise Mekong Delta
We also had chance to visit a family that makes rice paper- the cover of Nem- traditional dish of Vietnam.
This woman is waiting for the rice paper to be cooked before taking it out and pouring the mixture of rice flour and water to make a new rice paper.
Cruise Mekong Delta
She carefully takes the rice paper out of the stove.
Cruise Mekong Delta
And this is a family that makes coconut sweet:
Cruise Mekong Delta
These photos show how they separate rice from the rice husks and then heat the rice to make it pop and become suitable for making sweet rice bars, very crunchy and delicious!
Cruise Mekong Delta
Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

Cruise Mekong Delta

I hope you enjoyed these photos of my trip to the Mekong Delta, if you live in the south of Vietnam like in Ho Chi Minh City, you can do this in a one-day tour.

Read more: http://go-vietnam.com/tourism-in-vietnam/places-to-visit-in-vietnam/places-to-visit-in-southern-vietnam/wonderful-cruise-mekong-delta/#ixzz2ztCxWf1R
Source: http://go-vietnam.com/tourism-in-vietnam/places-to-visit-in-vietnam/places-to-visit-in-southern-vietnam/wonderful-cruise-mekong-delta/